I want the info to be leaked ASAP, however I just hope people's emotions don't get the better of them where they start blaming and confusing innocent Chinese-Americans and Chinese residents over the true CCP enemy. I know MSM has tried to push this narrative in the past, but this time the hate could be real and drastically different from "some Chinese travelers brought it to America."
It wont shift. I have yet to believe that people are waking up, the amount of Cognitive Dissonance is unmatched. Humans will and are being shown evidence of Fauci's emails, and they have every excuse for the man. The normies want to be led, and they want a tyrannical government, they want to be unarmed, and they want to fight for the right to extinguish themselves. The rest of us have to suffer through it, and Im not sure we'll even have the last laugh. We may only have the satisfaction that if we all die, they'll have to live with the monster they invited in..
With how fast things are moving lately, it wouldn't surprise me if you start seeing the narrative shift in a matter of weeks.
I want the info to be leaked ASAP, however I just hope people's emotions don't get the better of them where they start blaming and confusing innocent Chinese-Americans and Chinese residents over the true CCP enemy. I know MSM has tried to push this narrative in the past, but this time the hate could be real and drastically different from "some Chinese travelers brought it to America."
It wont shift. I have yet to believe that people are waking up, the amount of Cognitive Dissonance is unmatched. Humans will and are being shown evidence of Fauci's emails, and they have every excuse for the man. The normies want to be led, and they want a tyrannical government, they want to be unarmed, and they want to fight for the right to extinguish themselves. The rest of us have to suffer through it, and Im not sure we'll even have the last laugh. We may only have the satisfaction that if we all die, they'll have to live with the monster they invited in..
People are waking up. I see it happen every day. It's a step by step process and it will take time, but it's happening.
Well the term “lab leak” was verboten less than a year ago...so I would say pretty soon
Cling tight to every inch of ground dear frens, tomorrow we take the next hill... and then the next!