posted ago by Martha1776 ago by Martha1776 +38 / -1

So I’ve got 6 kids 16 down to 7, I am highly opinionated and vocal at home. My husband is cool with it but one of my kids has no filter and has said stuff at school. He is 14 so I told him to be careful what he says but he likes to joke around and he asks lots of questions. I have told him never apologize for being who you are, especially as he is a white child and CRT is seeping into our district. I like to keep my kids educated on the evils of the world, to think critically, and trust their intuition… but sometimes I worry it’s too much. My daughter, fine now, but part way through covid would cry at night worrying we would die. Granted she is a very passionate girl so I expect some drama, and she is 9. I let them listen to X22 with me and they constantly want to know what I am reading or anytime I talk to their dad. Am I wrong?