121 Apparently, American doctors have discovered a Biden variant... posted 3 years ago by AReckoningIsComing 3 years ago by AReckoningIsComing +122 / -1 It only touches kids. 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I heard about this, they say it’s going around and the only way to know for sure is to have a sniff test.
Symptoms include the sudden onset of leg hair...
Only known cure is trunalimunumaprzure which is only available by vaccine
I heard if you say that 3 times fast in front of a mirror backward the ghost of the real Joe Biden appears in the glass and fondles your nipples whilst sniffing your mullet and making backhand deals with Ukraine on the side.
Don't forget the insatiable craving for ice cream.
He did just say today the delta variant affects kids age 12-20
Somebody needs to post this on Bidens Twitter
Apologies. I have no idea how to implement the SHITPOST banner. I cant find it for the life of me.