Does it really matter? The descendants of the people who rejected Christ and were cursed. Like I don’t want us fighting useless wars in the Middle East but they can hop on the Jesus train or they can fuck off along with Israel too.
What sort of Bible do you read. The way of the wicked is wide, and many go on it. It leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth. The way of the righteous is narrow and free find it. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. Whoever comes to the father must come through me. Have you not known that God is a righteous God. I can guarantee you that not many will be saved. There is not many paths to heaven. That is trash theology and morally dangerous and reprehensible. It is to in fact mock God to believe that, as you basically might as well piss on God’s word. Jesus is the only way. Through his righteousness, the work he accomplished on earth, his perfect life, his perfect sacrifice on the cross for his chosen people. That is the only salvation. Predestination, not only Romans 9, but search for those whose names are in the Book of Life. Many more than some expect, far fewer than others expect will make it to heaven. Turn to Christ, alone.
Does it really matter? The descendants of the people who rejected Christ and were cursed. Like I don’t want us fighting useless wars in the Middle East but they can hop on the Jesus train or they can fuck off along with Israel too.
What sort of Bible do you read. The way of the wicked is wide, and many go on it. It leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth. The way of the righteous is narrow and free find it. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. Whoever comes to the father must come through me. Have you not known that God is a righteous God. I can guarantee you that not many will be saved. There is not many paths to heaven. That is trash theology and morally dangerous and reprehensible. It is to in fact mock God to believe that, as you basically might as well piss on God’s word. Jesus is the only way. Through his righteousness, the work he accomplished on earth, his perfect life, his perfect sacrifice on the cross for his chosen people. That is the only salvation. Predestination, not only Romans 9, but search for those whose names are in the Book of Life. Many more than some expect, far fewer than others expect will make it to heaven. Turn to Christ, alone.