You can't just say no. That's not an argument. Did you even read what I said? These deaths aren't linked to the vaccine, you can see it yourself in the data. It lists stuff like social situations and surgical procedures among these deaths. Does that sound like a vaccine death to you? Just like the VAERS data here in the US, this data has absurd amounts of noise, and if it's proof to you the vaccines are killing tens of thousands, you don't understand what you're looking at or how to interpret it.
Also the social and surgical accounts for 24 of the 13,867 or 0.17%.
I dont understand why its there categorically, but it doesn't discredit my assertion in the slightest.
You're striking me as neurotic and needlessly contrarian.
You can't just say no. That's not an argument. Did you even read what I said? These deaths aren't linked to the vaccine, you can see it yourself in the data. It lists stuff like social situations and surgical procedures among these deaths. Does that sound like a vaccine death to you? Just like the VAERS data here in the US, this data has absurd amounts of noise, and if it's proof to you the vaccines are killing tens of thousands, you don't understand what you're looking at or how to interpret it.
No. Also the social and surgical accounts for 24 of the 13,867 or 0.17%. I dont understand why its there categorically, but it doesn't discredit my assertion in the slightest. You're striking me as neurotic and needlessly contrarian.
You being blatantly wrong and too stubborn to admit it isn't me being contrarian. You're as easy to fool as a covidian.
Thats cute.