In this movie it's hard to tell who the real bad guys are. I'm thinking there are a lot of gray hats between the white hats and black hats. One thing that has bugged me for a while is Q drop 1116 from April of 2018. In hindsight I think when Trump met with Xi that the latter told him Chloroquine could cancel out the China virus. The symbol for Chloroquine is CQ.
Thank you Xi.
Good start.
China/CQ cancel.
It isn’t Project Blue Beam.
What would they fear more than anything else?
What would happen if Jesus Christ returned?
Why would they be so desperate to find Him?
Why would they want to identify and eliminate blood lines?
George Webb Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ with Jenny Moore in Racine who George said “had the drop on him”.
Do people normally make such a claim?
What happened to all of his videos?
Has he ever claimed to have met other such figures?
Who asked George to Repent and did he?
Did Jenny? (She did.)
How was George proven to be a liar in front of Jenny?
Why was Dave so furious about the meeting?
What did Jenny figure out months later? What happened to her after that? Who had access?
George is no fan of Jesus Christ and later said he gave both Jenny and Jesus Christ “too much credit” and “never wanted any help from (Jenny or Jesus Christ)”.
Why has he complained about censorship, and why would he block The Truth?
Who else knew about the meeting?
What happened on Voat?
Who would expose the Root of All Evil and the model for the real agenda of eternal enslavement with the Mark of the Beast?
What has been shared Since The Beginning?
Is Paul Ryan the competitor to Trump after election is overturned?
What blood lines eliminated? Those of Jesus or those that are Native to the Americas?
What did Jenny figure out? Names/locations? Was she 187'd or protected?
Who would expose the Root of All Evil and the model for the real agenda of eternal enslavement with the Mark of the Beast? Jesus?
Paul Ryan is competing with Trump, but is not electable.
Jenny Moore figured about what happened to Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and that everything shared about Racine was The Truth. She was killed to silence her, and she is not the only one that was.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way, and Racine is the model community for their agenda.
The rulers of this earth would feel very threatened if Christ were to return but I don't know what exactly what would happen.
The guy who ran that site about the Snake Lady said that they were trying to wipe out Teutonic bloodlines. Again, I don't know why, other than that it had to do with a centuries old feud between Germans and Italians dating back to the time period when the Holy Roman Empire controlled Northern Italy. Is this connected to the Guelph and Ghibelline factions that fought at Siena Cathedral?
People definitely do not normally make claims like this. I think those videos were either edited or deleted, I've never seen them. As far as I know he never made any similar claims but I never paid too much attention to him because something always felt wrong about him.
This is the million dollar question. Whatever she figured out, it got her killed. I assume you mean "who had access [to her hotel room]?", but I don't know who that would be.
Jesus Christ would expose the agenda behind the Mark of the Beast. Are you Jesus Christ?