Wondering what you all think of this idea? Ohio has no Recall Provision to get rid of it's dictator like California is using against Newsom. So after over a year of being ignored this petition has been drafted. A Constitutional Ballot Initiative THE OHIO RECALL PROVISION
Provide a new mechanism to remove all county prosecutors, court of common pleas judges, all state legislators, all state officers, including the governor, appellate judges, and all Ohio supreme court justices from office before their term expires. Provide for an annual vote of confidence for the aforementioned officeholders during primary elections. Require that officeholders shall be removed from office if more electors have no confidence in the officeholder than are confident and the number of electors having no confidence in an officeholder exceeds the number of electors that officeholder received in their last general or special election.
The elected serve by the consent of the governed. It is important that when the elected no longer have the consent of the governed that they are removed from office as expeditiously as possible.
Annually, all county prosecutors, court of common pleas judges, all state legislators, all state officers, including the governor, appellate judges, and all Ohio supreme court justices shall be subject to an annual vote of confidence on all primary ballots respective to their districts. There shall only be two choices on the ballot for each officeholder for a vote of confidence. Choice one: confident. Choice two: no confidence. https://www.committeeforabetterohio.com/ohio-recall-provision/
IF we were to get this in place we could clear the Gov, Lt.Gov, AG, and the entire Legislature at one sweep of the broom.
What do you think?
Sounds like a great idea, with the exception of one part:
"Require that officeholders shall be removed from office if more electors have no confidence in the officeholder than are confident and the number of electors having no confidence in an officeholder exceeds the number of electors that officeholder received in their last general or special election."
This is troublesome when you take into account th gerrymandering and redistricting aspects, and also population growth. It wouldn't take too much trouble for [them] to organize an ousting of those people who are unwilling to play [their] game by [their] rules, ESPECIALLY in a State like Ohio where the "good ole boi" network has reigned supreme since the days of John D. Rockefeller.
You have to remember, most pols are Freemasons or are beholden to [them] in some way, shape, or form.
It's not an insurmountable task, but it will be extremely difficult to get something like that passed, much less proposed in the current Ohio political climate. How you and your fellow Ohioans succeed will depend on not just the voters, but will probably rely moreso on the elected officials who have failed y'all.
It's also gonna require some heavy backing from people like "Jacket less" Jim Jordan. And I just don't see that happening right now. The fact that y'all don't have a mechanism for early removal shows just how corrupt, from top to bottom, Ohio's political atmosphere truly is.
Good luck. Y'all are gonna need it. I'll float this around to me fellow Veterans in Ohio to help y'all out. They may not have seen this yet, so I will bring it to their attention.
Again, good luck.
Thank you. I agree with you on the fact that we don't have a mechanism for early removal says everything about who has been in charge. I have been saying for a year and a half that is the first thing we have to change. Thanks for your input, that's the kind of discussion I was hoping for.
Have a parallel initiative to eliminate electronic voting tabulators, adjudication processes and outside influence in elections. Otherwise your vote of confidence is irrelevant.
Link to Ohio SoS explaining Citizen Initiated Constitutional Amendment process.