Seeing that Danish soccer player collapse has made all this a lot more real for me. Yeah, i'm incredibly excited about a Trump return and being able to tell everyone I told you so, but holy shit this could get really scary. What actually happens if it turns out that all the people who've been vaccinated have max 3 years to live, shed spike proteins and will most likely become (even more) retarded in the meantime? Wonder if this is why the military conducted zombie apocalypse survival training..
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I've heard there's a cure for cancer. Look up "my cancer story rocks".
Yes. And also "How to Starve Cancer" by Jane McLelland.
The major players are dewormers.
I use Fenbendazole, Flubendazole, Artemesinin and Ivermectin. Also planning to add Hudroxychloroquine.
Combined with various other herbs, supplelements & Off-label drugs I have seen many accounts of miraculous recoveries in the groups I belong to.
No definitive cures, yet. Cancers come in many forms and causes and anything that works against them all has been completely suppressed.
Actually many people have had their tumors shrunk down to nothing by receiving intravenous vitamin C. I'd call that a cure! :) Especially since all the holistic doctors' offices who were administering it were raided and shut down by the Fed. That's proof positive to me that it works anyway. Make of it what you will...but I believe you are right, cancers come in many forms, and I know that the IV-C doesn't work with every single type of cancer, it's just good for shrinking tumors. I don't know if it would be as effective with any form of leukemia, for example.
Yes. However, in my groups there are people who do IV vitamin C and don't get results. There are people who do it along with other things and do get results. I haven't read accounts of anyone doing it only.
Because when we find out that there is a chance to beat it we usually throw everything at it, including the kitchen sink.
My statement was meant to relay that there is currently no single magic bullet.
Would you mind if I ask if you were taking this as a prophylactic or to cure a diagnosis?
To stay NED after resection. Stage T3 Nb
2 years later still going. Can't afford insurance, so I do the metabolic approach.
Thank you for your info, much appreciated. I wish you all the very best.
This is particularly telling from wiki:
Subsequently, laetrile was tested on 14 tumor systems without evidence of effectiveness. The Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) concluded that "laetrile showed no beneficial effects."[28] Mistakes in an earlier MSKCC press release were highlighted by a group of laetrile proponents led by Ralph Moss, former public affairs official of MSKCC who had been fired following his appearance at a press conference accusing the hospital of covering up the benefits of laetrile.[29] These mistakes were considered scientifically inconsequential, but Nicholas Wade in Science stated that "even the appearance of a departure from strict objectivity is unfortunate."[28] The results from these studies were published all together.[30]
A 2015 systematic review from the Cochrane Collaboration found: The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.[3]
The authors also recommended, on ethical and scientific grounds, that no further clinical research into laetrile or amygdalin be conducted.[3]
It all rather seems like a typical coverup doesn't it?
Sauced with wiki