I haven't once been interested in it BUT, I was bored and looking for something to pass time while putting away the laundry. How can people be asleep when their entertainment is flaunting it all right in their faces? Is it just this obvious because Im awake?
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Exactly, and if things unfold per their plan, people who will experience the injury and pain self inflicted by their own choices (taking the vax and staying asleep to prevent loss of social status) will have an immediate scape goat (us) to blame for their troubles.
This scenario is convenient to the injured to avoid feeling their own responsibility in the horrors of the brave new world, and in channeling their pain into anger against the declared enemy (us) for our terrible crime of not going along with the choices that brought harm to others and because our existence unharmed would itself be a condemnation upon their own conscience.
In this way, the luciferian rulers of this world provide the outlet of revenge (us) to those sheep whom they have driven herd and delivered into this harm to relieve the people of their emotions caused by the tragedy that befell them. The populous relieve themselves by targeting and hating and eventually killing us (those awake whom would stand against the luciferians). The propaganda will almost write itself because the sleeping people have been primed already on whom to perceive as the enemy.
The luciferians could practically stand by and provide lip service to civility and restraint on our behalf and it would fall on deaf ears for the enraged populous. Then the luciferians would wash their hands of the whole affair claiming innocence in all matters as they had never done anything to anyone that was not told to them before hands and thus tacitly agreed to by the victim.
It is an extremely convenient position for them to occupy as they have set one group against another so that their evil and destruction wrought upon everyone is not discovered by the populous and so that those who have eyes to see it are targeted by the populous acting unwittingly on behalf of the luciferians that they don't believe to exist.
Let us see to it that their plan fails and their true actions are exposed and publicly condemned.
God has already seen to it.