Schoolmate of my children...married for a couple years with new baby. Have known the family for 30 years. This is just so heartbreaking and unnecessary but it is happening all over the world.
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Seriously, what is the big hurry? Ask him, do you see people dying or falling ill around you from COVID? If not, then why rush? If this disease is so deadly than everyone around should be getting sick and dying. The only ones going to the hospital now are from vaxine adverse reactions. There is no harm in waiting. If you can get him to agree to wait longer then maybe something will break.
The CDC just released a statement saying that people under 30 should not be vaxinated due to inflammatory cardiac issues. Hello... Do complications know what age you are? Those same complications affect people of all ages - even if they manifest differently. The youth are suffering from myocardial and pericardial inflammation while older people, over 30, are having strokes, pulmonary embolisms, deep vein thrombosis - especially in the brain, hearts attacks, DIC/Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, and other micro and macro clotting manifestations. Since people are not dropping like flies from COVID, is it worth the risk of suffering one of these potentially deadly complications to be vaxed against something that at the moment does not seem to be a threat?
We are just getting started with all this. The VAERS system is reporting over 5K deaths - and these are just the cases reported. The real numbers are between 50K to 500K deaths and millions have suffered from adverse reactions. Also tell him that there is no way to remove it from the body once it is onboard. I tell those I care about that the only reason I am even showing concern is that I do care. If I did not, I would not say anything.
This is still one of the best articles written as to why this writer would not be getting vaxed. He logically makes the case. 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
So true, and great points! For him, I think it’s the media, pressure from work (he works at a university), pressure from his family, and fear/anxiety/depression/thinking it will magically solve all his problems. He has always been paranoid of many things and unfortunately this “pandemic” has been so hard on him mentally; he considers himself “high risk” and thinks he will die if he gets covid. He lives in a fragile bubble and if I talk about the media being manipulative or that they’re lying, he gets upset. Fear keeps people like him trapped and big pharma is the only savior. I mostly blame the media. I’m so thankful that my husband at least agreed to wait a bit, but I just don’t know if or when he’ll decide that he just “wants to get it.”
Thanks for reminding me about that 18 reasons article... I definitely need to insist that he read that if he decides to go for it. But when you are brainwashed with fear, I don’t know that people make good choices that they might if they weren’t afraid... the mainstream media really needs to hang for their crimes against so many people. I just do my best to innocently point out things when I can when they sort of leak into the media, and pray for his change of heart.
I’m just grateful for good people on here who see things like I do. God bless you and everyone on here!
Thank you. I really pray you can get through to him in order to at least buy some more time. Maybe make an agreement with him that he will not do anything without letting you know first and that he must agree to at least read the article before he does anything. Then you two must discuss what was written. Only then can he proceed if he is bent that way.
He must understand that he is not only putting himself at risk, but he is also putting you and your future together at risk if something should go wrong. Is he prepared for the possible financial and other burdens that would come with being injured like some have been? Especially for a disease that has treatments available. Insurance in some of these cases is not paying for the more debilitating injuries some have suffered as a result of being vaxed. No one is liable. Is he willing to spend the rest of his life with a disability that could result from being vaxinated? And, are you willing to bear the brunt of a possible disability and you are suddenly put in the position of having to be a caretaker? This is not the same thing as suffering from an accident and a couple just deals with the outcome. This is possibly injuring yourself knowingly and being willing to accept that risk.
This is not just his decision. Whatever he decides to do impacts you as well. Therefore, it is a decision you must make together. You need to have a real discussion with him over these very issues that no one considers - but are a very real possibility should he proceed and succumb to the pressure.
God bless you too.
Good logical arguments!
Thanks. At this point, it will be hard to break the cognitive dissonance with anything other than simple logic that someone can actually see from their own experience. A day delayed getting a shot is one more day we can possibly keep someone we care about from jumping off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.