SouthWest grounds all flights!
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It's pretty obvious who is behind these attacks. The Dems are. All of the things that have been hit are things that the DS wants eliminated for their climate control agenda. Oil, beef, airplanes. They don't want us plebs having nice things. It's real shitty.
EDIT: ok, saw another source, that does specify its again.
IMO, this is big. The cyber happenings are serious. We need to be prepared as much as possible to be without comm, power, anything I think at this point. For their FFs.
All these "computer problems" is one of the reasons why we prep. I didn't run out of TP, gas, or beef.
My flight was cancelled.
FWIW it's showing it's down on downdetector with its systems, but not obviously aircraft I can't vouch for that?
Get 757 s 767 s 777 s 787's no go on the 737s'