That doesn't really answer the question. What's the real problem here? You need the money? He loves the job and is emotionally attached?
These are the consequences of making poor decisions in his youth. Either take the poison and stay, or refuse and face the possibility of having to find another university or re-skill. These people don't fuck around. Once they find out he doesn't tow the Marxist line they will ruin his career anyway.
Why would you want to continue working with people that want you dead?
He's not qualified to do anything else. He got his PhD when we were young and dumb and liberal.
That doesn't really answer the question. What's the real problem here? You need the money? He loves the job and is emotionally attached?
These are the consequences of making poor decisions in his youth. Either take the poison and stay, or refuse and face the possibility of having to find another university or re-skill. These people don't fuck around. Once they find out he doesn't tow the Marxist line they will ruin his career anyway.
Toe the line, as in put your toes right up to the line.