? HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans ?
? B O O M ! ?
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The really horrible part about this is that if you read the document, you will almost believe that this was fake news. The judge pretty agrees with everything asked by the government, says that everything was in order and just puts down some conditions they government needs to follow. This is in the summary. This is in the relevant sections.
But somewhere along the document, in some obscure section, they sneak in the fact that 16,000 people were illegally surveilled upon, and redacts a bunch of stuff so you cant even fully understand exactly how/why they did it.
Essentially, they used some query terms that is overly broad that allowed hits on these 16,000 people, and rationalized that even with the proper query these people would have been triggered, and went ahead with surveilling them. Judge clearly says this is wrong, in this section. However, as an overall summary he says everything is proper and grants their request.
Only way to find this info is to search for 16,000 in the document.