Any secret societies with initiations makes me suspicious. It is ancient...gnostic, a special group of insiders has the hidden knowledge. Makes them all feel superior to others.
I love what Jesus said, “whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Lk. 12:3
If you do some digging into the men who created OTO and several other occult secret societies, you'll find they're all high ranking freemasons. To use a rather apt quote from the bible,
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.
In this particular case, high ranking freemasonry only bears bad fruits such as these which in turn bear more bad fruit. I'm of the opinion that the cabal purposely separates into these smaller secret orders to muddy the waters and prevent blame landing on the whole.
An excellent, albeit long, video that clearly ties free masonry to OTO, Temple of Satan and others is: He does an excellent job of using their own writings to prove that, while publicly separate entities, they're all playing for the same team (think uni-party)
Every time any discussion about secret societies comes up, I want to inform people that the LDS (Mormon) temple-sealing rituals are based on those of the freemasonic lodge. Even includes the most threatening symbolism. Not hearsay... seen for myself. Not saying specifics, on purpose.
If you had bothered to do any digging on that phrase and the man who's famous for coining it, you'd know that Crowley believed that will came from the individual and was unique to each person. He also believed that you shouldn't consider things such as society or morals in your decisions, only your own desire and what you will.
seventh sun is partially correct, which is the argument as to why Will is capitalized, as it is a stand-in for “God’s Will.”
But since Crowley knew nothing of the true nature of Will (or God for that matter), his fanciful creations are meaningless. OTO has nothing to do with real Gnosticism, but is a “religion” for thrill-seekers who want to appease material appetites.
Any secret societies with initiations makes me suspicious. It is ancient...gnostic, a special group of insiders has the hidden knowledge. Makes them all feel superior to others.
I love what Jesus said, “whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Lk. 12:3
A cult practicing the occult.
Crowley was a fool. But “occult” just means “hidden.”
The teachings of Jesus, as recorded by the Gospels were entirely occult, as is blatantly confirmed in Matthew 7.
Enjoy the butt sex at the XI degree!
If you do some digging into the men who created OTO and several other occult secret societies, you'll find they're all high ranking freemasons. To use a rather apt quote from the bible,
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.
In this particular case, high ranking freemasonry only bears bad fruits such as these which in turn bear more bad fruit. I'm of the opinion that the cabal purposely separates into these smaller secret orders to muddy the waters and prevent blame landing on the whole.
An excellent, albeit long, video that clearly ties free masonry to OTO, Temple of Satan and others is: He does an excellent job of using their own writings to prove that, while publicly separate entities, they're all playing for the same team (think uni-party)
Every time any discussion about secret societies comes up, I want to inform people that the LDS (Mormon) temple-sealing rituals are based on those of the freemasonic lodge. Even includes the most threatening symbolism. Not hearsay... seen for myself. Not saying specifics, on purpose.
yeah that aint what do what thou wilt means
it means do what you are willed to do. same principle as following the will of God.
And just like the Christian religion, you can use its rhetoric to justify any action, but you can never escape truth in the end.
If you had bothered to do any digging on that phrase and the man who's famous for coining it, you'd know that Crowley believed that will came from the individual and was unique to each person. He also believed that you shouldn't consider things such as society or morals in your decisions, only your own desire and what you will.
seventh sun is partially correct, which is the argument as to why Will is capitalized, as it is a stand-in for “God’s Will.”
But since Crowley knew nothing of the true nature of Will (or God for that matter), his fanciful creations are meaningless. OTO has nothing to do with real Gnosticism, but is a “religion” for thrill-seekers who want to appease material appetites.
Is social stigma supposed to matter to a Christian? isnt there social stigma associated with being Christian? would you like to try again?