The alarm companies think racist to show a black man as a robber so all the alarm companies have a white man as the criminal. Which is hysterical because it proves the exact opposite, that alarm companies actually think the opposite is true so they can show it this way without offending anyone.
Removed. Low Q.
It had to be that way, any other way would be wracist..
Yea it is a white man in every scenario. That’s not an accurate statistic
The alarm companies think racist to show a black man as a robber so all the alarm companies have a white man as the criminal. Which is hysterical because it proves the exact opposite, that alarm companies actually think the opposite is true so they can show it this way without offending anyone.
Meanwhile, back in reality- actual black woman (Candice O.) is harassed by woke white people on the streets. Video included.
But there are lots more videos like this that show the reality of demoKKKrat thugs harassing Candice.
It was a bunch of white people and one light skinned black man. Try harder.
Yeah and the first one who said anything looked like John Legend.