How is it possible every nation in the Antarctic treaty has held up their end of the deal? No oil exploration? Nothing? Seriously? Why does John Kerry keep going there? He may be a Globalist climate radical, but seriously? He's not a scientist! Why is every thing these people have done exactly like Nazis? Even down to medical experimentation?Where did those 43,000 german women who were shipped to Antarctica at the end of WWII go? Is it possible we are actually dealing with the 4th Reich? Did Nazis really escape to Antarctica? Why can't a plane traverse it? Why are all plane paths set to completely avoid it? Environmental reasons? For real? If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you! What is our reality? WHO or WHAT is in Antarctica?
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If you haven't seen any of Graham Hancock or Randall Carlson, here's every Joe Rogan Podcast they did. I'd start here if you're not too familiar with their work:
Atlantis is mentioned at certain points in these podcasts, but it's never really the focus. For that, I'd start with Plato. Grab a copy of Plato's "Timaeus" and "Critias" to see exactly what he said about it all. The main point to take home is that he leads the story by saying it's not a story at all, but rather an event that took place around 9,000 years before Solon's time (roughly 9,600 BC). Solon was a famous Greek lawman to whom the story was originally told by Egyptian priests, then passed down to Plato.
Well, 9,000 BC would be 11,000 years ago, which was about the beginning of the current interglacial period on Earth.
It is also around the time many of the large animals went extinct (due to real climate change), and humans had to figure out an alternative to hunting the big game, which is why they developed agriculture, which led to animal husbandry, which led to civilization.