Guess who got crucified by the court.
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The context is the trucked was minding his own fucking business , putting food on the table for the fams. Gets mobbed by “peaceful Protesters”. The trucker was the one that got his ass burned by the “law”
It looks as if he stays out of “trouble” he does not go to jail. Funny thing is, the news was reporting this with “select” photos. After this vid was released in the wild…. Photos vanish like magic. The news does say he drove through an un barricaded ramp into protesters for unknown reasons. Maybe because it was a freaking freeway, and he is driving a freaking truck.
I’d have ran right through them. Death by mob or death by court? Fugged up choices.
Use as evidence in case to explain why to just keep driving
Not stopping. I know at least I would be alive.
And now you have video evidence to support your decision to do so.
I'm missing some context and info here, maybe you coud help me out.
last year thhese insane fucktards blocked a HIGHWAY. this guy in the truck saw a giant mass of angry clowns so he didn't stop right away, probably because he's intelligent and knew it might mean his death. Liberals took offense to him trying to save his own life.
Should've kept going and kept the gas pedal floored. Also helps to carry a side arm in the cab.
These angry mobs have no common sense, low IQ's, and no fucking morals. I would have NEVER stopped. I'm not saying full speed ahead and knock 'em over like bowling pins, but NEVER STOP. The rest is up to them.
Did this person make it out alive? Who do these fools think drives the food into their neighborhoods????
Keep on truckin' boys! WE NEED YOU. The businesses that you deliver to APPRECIATE YOU! DO NOT STOP.
The Lord will right all the wrongs.
It's sad when people die in the line of doing their job. I wonder if this guy woke up that morning wondering if this would be just another day on the road.
There should be a law of some sort that says if a group of two or more people block any roadway in an attempt to slow down a motorist expressly to do physical and financial damage: The individual is able to do anything possible to keep themselves alive and 100% out of harm's way. Including: ditching the vehicle and continuing backward on foot to the safest location (Damages must be paid for by the city). Continuing to go the speed limit, while blasting the head off (with a hand cannon) any idiot that tries to gain access to, climb on, or do damage to the vehicle.
Or, you know, the city could handle its gang problem. The military should be called in for situations like this.
These type of people scatter like rats when anything really goes down. They wouldn't be up in the driver's window after watching a mark's head explode- that's for sure.