So PrayingMedic dropped the information in the latest X22 report that the DIA already informed the AZ Senate PRIOR to the audit they tracked and have the proof of foreign interference and know the EXACT number of vote changes and fraudulent votes of the WHOLE 2020 election.
We also know that the recent Chinese Defector had already been working with the DIA under the Trump Administration (Do you really think he would 'defect' under the Biden Administration when he provided incriminating information on Biden?).
We have already seen what information was announced that was revealed to the DIA. So let's discuss what other information may soon be "revealed" by the Chinese asset.
Things like:
The printer in China who printed the 50 million fraudulent ballots used for Biden in the election.
Who actually ORDERED the ballots.
What warehouses they initially were stored at and the shipping routes they took to the various states.
Those actors who didn't directly 'receive' CCP dollars but were paid off with funds indirectly due to the CCP (think those receiving donations from Facebook, et. al.)
Money-laundering conducted with the CCP under the guise of "mask" orders.
The players involved with the CCP in coordinating the global lock down (under an act of war a violation of the GC)
That Facebook, Twitter and Google are under the control of the CCP
That many MSM companies are also under CCP control
Finally, as an added bonus, I mentioned in other posts how ONLY AZ is going to be needed. Once the audit "confirms" the DIA Intelligence, the other states are going to be in for a very nasty awakening. Particularly the States of GA and MI.
Personally, I am looking forward to seeing the idiots in MI who have no idea they have already been caught red-handed face the intense reckoning coming for them. The MI legislature might want to get off their tail-ends before they are pulled in as well.
Good times ahead for Patriots! WWG1WGA.
I think we had fake ballots printed here. Too much of a coincidence to see a ballot printing company burn down after the election. Maybe I'm wrong and they printed too many mail in ballots. Either way it smells fishy.
Does anyone else remember last year when the Chinese embassy(?) In Texas was raised as they were burning papers in their courtyard? I always thought those could have been fake ballots
If you're working on a digital print of artwork, Christmas card, yard sale flyer, etc how many drafts and prints does one go through before getting it perfect?
My exact naming scheme until I set it down, forget about it for a while, change it, get told BallotVer2.pdf already exists, house a miniature existential crisis about how I need that, and save it under the name BallotVer21.pdf
Nah, I'd say that's normal procedure. If one of our embassy's we're being raided/stormed the first thing they are to do is destroy documents. I don't THINK they'd be brazen enough to have fake ballots onsite at the CCP embassy.
What makes you think that? That they aren't brazen enough?
They have the biggest global propaganda network ever to exist at their beck and call