BOMBSHELL THREAD: Leaked Documents Reveal Critical Race Theory Being Weaponized To Explicitly Target Republicans, Trump Supporters...
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In my experience as an educator and retired principal, this type of teacher training curriculum would originate at the state level with the State Superintendent of schools. Their office would have received the curriculum from the federal level. The incentive to implement CRT or any other training originating at the federal level is, of course, money. Lots of money. States who adopt (and push) certain federally funded programs like Bush's NCLB (No Child Left Behind/Common Core) and Obama's RTTT (Race to the Top) are incentivized by federal funding. Therefore, parents who may object to such curricula have no idea it's being pushed until it's too late. Certain states opted out of CC, like Texas, not because they didn't need the money, but because they didn't want to hand over the educational sovereignty to the federal government. I'm so glad I no longer have to think or care about all this bullshit.
As a practicing educator in WA State, I completely concur. This curriculum has already been foisted upon me, and I have taken a look at it. It is hours and hours of atomic level awful. Hours of video presentations requiring written responses. I have put it off so far, and just learned that the deadline for completion has been moved back to August. I sure hope that is a sign that it is being questioned.
There's NO way we voted commie Inslee in for another term. We need to audit WA to stop his bullshit.
I sincerely pray you do not have to subject yourself to all of that. If so, I would type up a canned response on a word doc and then copy/paste that canned response into each open ended text box you encounter during the training. I used to do that for required trainings. I would put the videos on play, walk away or go about my business and then paste a canned response into each box....same one each time. It didn't even matter if the response didn't fit the question. Nobody ever read it or checked behind me. I could tell because sometimes the canned response was soo off topic...Call me passive/aggressive. All my district cared about was the green check of completion by my name. Good luck to you!
I love the canned response idea. Should I say wwg1wga? Thank you!