I wish my phone wasnt soooooo slow. I seen the lady in a full blown orange hazmat suit with the hood with clear plastic face shield and wearing a mask inside of it.?????
I tried to get a picture but when my slow ass phone decided to take tge pic,all i got was the car next to me
Before he put all this on to get his stuff the warehouse, truck driver, and store stocker all touched his items. Then, he brought them to the cashier who touched them, before giving them to the bagger who touched it all as well. But at least this one link in the many-linked chain was completely cut off...until he takes it all off and consumes it...whoops.
First I even believed those lies about Chinese virus might be dangerous so I bought REAL ONE mask (such one: https://www.keepshooting.com/media/catalog/product/cache/f7b906d53d787e3daacd095a2c7fcc0e/p/o/polish-mc1-gas-mask_1.jpg - after all it was military surplus - really cheap one: less than 30 PLN means no more than your 10$),but now really I think it would be rather useful if they would release real virus or if they would like to make chemical attacks. Or if there will be no more danger - to do safely homemade sanding of some old rusty metal parts. Because Chinese virus look more like a hoax or like a flu... :D
The best part is the fan that sucks OUTSIDE air to inflate the suit.????
That is not coincidence.
That's the "I love the smell of my own farts 3000"
Smug alert!
I'm old enough to remember when these types were permanently institutionalized away from functional society.
I wish my phone wasnt soooooo slow. I seen the lady in a full blown orange hazmat suit with the hood with clear plastic face shield and wearing a mask inside of it.?????
I tried to get a picture but when my slow ass phone decided to take tge pic,all i got was the car next to me
I want to see what happened when they got to the car.
Cool outfit. I still like my full clear face guard with a blue mask duct taped to the outside.
How much do you bet he didn't sanitize the gloves after taking the bubble suit off?
Before he put all this on to get his stuff the warehouse, truck driver, and store stocker all touched his items. Then, he brought them to the cashier who touched them, before giving them to the bagger who touched it all as well. But at least this one link in the many-linked chain was completely cut off...until he takes it all off and consumes it...whoops.
If you believe there's a deadly virus floating around this makes more sense than a cotton mask.
This people are stupid.
First I even believed those lies about Chinese virus might be dangerous so I bought REAL ONE mask (such one: https://www.keepshooting.com/media/catalog/product/cache/f7b906d53d787e3daacd095a2c7fcc0e/p/o/polish-mc1-gas-mask_1.jpg - after all it was military surplus - really cheap one: less than 30 PLN means no more than your 10$),but now really I think it would be rather useful if they would release real virus or if they would like to make chemical attacks. Or if there will be no more danger - to do safely homemade sanding of some old rusty metal parts. Because Chinese virus look more like a hoax or like a flu... :D