The Rachel Maddow Show/MSNBC takes 20 minutes to cover Roger Richards, The AZ Election Audit, The Quantum Think Tank & Aliens ?
LOL... madcow needs to be locked up in a padded room and fed rancid meat from a long stick. she is not fit to be in public... certainly an institution somewhere would take in one more mentally void creature.
This was painful to watch but every now and then, I make it a point to listen to the other side to see if they have anything substantive to say. NOPE!
Lies/Misrepresentations from Maddow:
poisons the well by going off on the director of Byrne's film doing prior pieces about 'Nazis on the Moon' and 'Aliens were behind 9/11'. BTW, not a single clip from the trailer where anyone actually is speaking.
the movie is a GOP effort (it is funded by Byrne and Flynn is in the credits)
shows loops of Bennet and Pulitzer with odd facial expressions over and over to try and paint them as crazy. Makes fun of Jovan's CueCat scanner, ignores mentioning he has 200+ patents many on digital printing technologies.
says Republicans support for saying Biden is not legit is mainly due to the existence of the audit in AZ. Says they think the existence of the audit means there was fraud
repeats rumor that Trump says he is returning to office in August as if it were confirmed
lies about canvassers demanding that people admit who they voted for
misleading statement that canvassers claim over half of all addresses are fraudulent
alleges without any support that private canvassing efforts are tied to the GOP Senate
says that the Senate 'blew off' the DOJ warning about violating public rights during canvassing efforts
didn't realize that referring to canvassing in three counties other than Maricopa wouldn't be a part of the Maricopa audit
misleading info that GOP legislators are doing audits on their own volition as opposed to being pressured by their constituents. Completely ignores the depth of grass roots energy for the audits
stated that GOP not voting for cloture on S1 means they didn't want to talk about 'voting rights'
unstated claim that a bill titled 'voting rights' has anything to do with voting rights.
Then again, she is not a 'news' show so facts and data are not her thing.
Can you paraphrase? I don't want to watch him.
The Rachel Maddow Show/MSNBC takes 20 minutes to cover Roger Richards, The AZ Election Audit, The Quantum Think Tank & Aliens ?
He’s just this side of washed up.
Sorry, nothing could come from her mouth that I want to hear.
LOL... madcow needs to be locked up in a padded room and fed rancid meat from a long stick. she is not fit to be in public... certainly an institution somewhere would take in one more mentally void creature.
This was painful to watch but every now and then, I make it a point to listen to the other side to see if they have anything substantive to say. NOPE!
Lies/Misrepresentations from Maddow:
poisons the well by going off on the director of Byrne's film doing prior pieces about 'Nazis on the Moon' and 'Aliens were behind 9/11'. BTW, not a single clip from the trailer where anyone actually is speaking.
the movie is a GOP effort (it is funded by Byrne and Flynn is in the credits)
shows loops of Bennet and Pulitzer with odd facial expressions over and over to try and paint them as crazy. Makes fun of Jovan's CueCat scanner, ignores mentioning he has 200+ patents many on digital printing technologies.
says Republicans support for saying Biden is not legit is mainly due to the existence of the audit in AZ. Says they think the existence of the audit means there was fraud
repeats rumor that Trump says he is returning to office in August as if it were confirmed
lies about canvassers demanding that people admit who they voted for
misleading statement that canvassers claim over half of all addresses are fraudulent
alleges without any support that private canvassing efforts are tied to the GOP Senate
says that the Senate 'blew off' the DOJ warning about violating public rights during canvassing efforts
didn't realize that referring to canvassing in three counties other than Maricopa wouldn't be a part of the Maricopa audit
misleading info that GOP legislators are doing audits on their own volition as opposed to being pressured by their constituents. Completely ignores the depth of grass roots energy for the audits
stated that GOP not voting for cloture on S1 means they didn't want to talk about 'voting rights'
unstated claim that a bill titled 'voting rights' has anything to do with voting rights.
Then again, she is not a 'news' show so facts and data are not her thing.