Maybe not the opposite, but yea, it's not conclusive proof for sure, but it's something that might make rational minds faulter for a second and maybe investigate further - I put it into it's own post, and it can gain traction and discussion can occur, if people care.
Don't mind me
Inb4 Insta yanks the account
Happened a couple of hours ago, maybe 3 hours after your comment.
"Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram."
Opposite of verified, fully debonked
Fully debonked because of a PNG image file of a 4chan post?
That is the opposite of debonked.
Maybe not the opposite, but yea, it's not conclusive proof for sure, but it's something that might make rational minds faulter for a second and maybe investigate further - I put it into it's own post, and it can gain traction and discussion can occur, if people care. Don't mind me
The insta account has a blue checkmark...