130 Hm.... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by wetsock 3 years ago by wetsock +131 / -1 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I am also reading his twitter. He has questionable views on pedophilia
I read the EO and this isn't stated in it.
Found the text! You are right!
They took it off the whitehouse website...
IIRC, this reads like the FB TOS. That was a huge redpill for me. It states that you can't say "Jews own the media"
The problem here is precision of idea. He is correct but the way this is interpreted by most is “the Jewish people” own Hollywood. Not that the owners of Hollywood are Jewish. Semantics can lead to war when neither side wanted it.
Ashkanizi's = fake jews.
ZIONISTS control the World. Not just one tiny part of a small numbered religion.
There is no such thing as "hate speech" or a "hate crime". Motive is not a crime
If that's not 5D chess then it's a proper dick move of an EO.