If you can't keep your focus when an eccentric software billionaire doesn't die from suicide, how are you going to maintain your focus when the aliens arrive?
The AUDITS are going to be what WAKES this nation up!
You want a GREAT AWAKENING? Then focus on WAKING people up.
When it is PROVEN that MASSIVE FRAUD occurred throughout our nation in every state, only then will the sheeple wake up and say, "Holy shit, our country has been stolen."
Use your renewed energy to focus on your state legislators. Call them and email them today and DEMAND an AUDIT!
To aid you on your quest I am pulling up an old post from GP to hand deliver the contact information you need. Be a PEDE and contact them!
From the post:
All you have to do is open the links below and copy the list to your email, draft your message and send. You can send these to any state – you don’t need to reside in that state.
AZ House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/QxKGWtnB AZ Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/2RrZPk5u GA House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/AKniL3G3 GA Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/YJjF8ci8 MI House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/0uCm79wK MI Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/6ZRZ5Dhi NV House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/j3nKihWx NV Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/hjAQy7H7 PA House eMails: <All Hidden> PA Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/7nmX78KM WI House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/4jDJ1v1z WI Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/6U8EPJwb
Wisconsin speaker of the house Robin Voss and Senate President Chris Kapenga, both Republicans, are refusing to give their voters transparency.
In Michigan, the Republican Senate Oversight Committee, led by Michigan State Senator Ed Mcbroom is even targeting and investigating citizens who believe that fraud occurred.
If you would like to see an audit in your state, call and email your legislators. Stay informed. Take a look at what your public servants are actually doing for you.
The Arizona Audit is finally wrapping up and we will know the truth very soon.
Wow! President Trump Rips Michigan RINOs Shirkey and McBroom for Preventing Audit and Going After Patriots Who Challenged Results
Racine, Wisconsin is the “root” and model pivot district used to rig the swing states.
Robin Vos and Wisconsin Republicans are as corrupt as Tony Evers and the Democrats. They all serve the same beast.
Where was the Republican party really founded? Who are the Jacobins? Who are the Frankists? Who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias? Sphinx Head Society? Council of 13? Shriners and Jesters? Pilgrims Society? Why did Paul Ryan really resign?
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
The Parousia begins by exposing the root and model for the real agenda - Racine, Wisconsin.
These links help tell the story of how and why Racine was used to rig the election.
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2020/03/31/biden-endorses-milwaukee-racine-school-referendums-unusual-move/5094687002/
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11: https://news.mit.edu/2020/microsoft-president-brad-smith-talks-data-covid-19-why-we-should-worry-about-digital-9-11-0521
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech: https://time.com/5669537/brad-smith-microsoft-big-tech/
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot: https://news.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2020/05/13/microsoft-electionguard-pilot-wisconsin/
Racine tests how much COVID power they have: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/30/racine-lawsuit-tests-how-much-power-local-officials-have-amid-covid-19/3284631001/
Fauci became the expert by Cornell: https://cornellsun.com/2020/03/23/how-dr-anthony-fauci-m-d-66-became-americas-most-trusted-disease-expert/
Racine and the Council for a Community of Democracies: https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Council_for_a_Community_of_Democracies
Brad Smith and Microsoft using pro sports to control market innovation: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2017/10/19/the-green-bay-packers-and-microsoft-team-up-to-bring-the-worlds-innovations-and-tech-expertise-to-the-heart-of-wisconsin/
Mason Lab, Weill Cornell and experimental COVID testing in Racine: https://www.fox6now.com/news/new-covid-19-spit-test-being-studied-in-racine-may-bring-faster-results
Foxconn and connections with the Agenda and Referendum: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/special-reports/2018/04/06/foxconns-promised-jobs-boom-could-sputter-few-miles-away-racine/382026002/
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2019/may/25/microsoft-s-electionguard-a-trojan-horse-for-a-military-industrial-takeover-of-us-elections/
History of Racine and China Relations: https://archive.is/L3FTe
Racine, Climate Mayors and Paris Agreement http://www.thewheelerreport.com/wheeler_docs/files/0703mason.pdf
Testimony from Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1337477357947527171
Election scandal “roots” in Racine https://wisconsinspotlight.com/election-scandal-roots-in-racine/
Did WI-5 mayors break the law? https://wisconsinspotlight.com/did-wi-5-mayors-break-the-law/