I don't make this post to paint myself as a victim. I would however like to maybe make a point about new comers to this site, which this site may have many more new guests once Q becomes more mainstream.
I understand many of you here have followed this for years and know the whole story. Please don't forget how it can be difficult for new people waking up and finding themselves stumbling in the dark to find their way through the mass amount of info on this subject.
I understand due to the subject matter coms needed to be coded and not all could be said or easy to find. But coming to this site and getting the feeling that many here just want to fight and insult people or call them out as a troll or glowie instantly when they don't know as much as them is disconcerting.
I know it can feel frustrating dealing with people that get things wrong or havent spent the time you have getting to know the facts, I would ask to just keep in the back of your mind to try and be kind and welcoming to anyone on this site.
What do you mean about the Q info being hidden?? Nobody is hiding anything. What we demand is intellectual honesty in questions. If you don't know, ask. If you don't know what to ask, then message a Mod.
There is an entire series of references on the side post.
Apart from that, have fun digging in and getting your hands dirty. People can be scrappy and appear short fused, but this is also in type and the nuance of sarcasm or whatnot gets lost. Try not to take it so personally??
I think what op means is that if you don't know of sites like this or alternative platforms to YouTube you will never see the truth in the Q movement. Its hidden in plain sight and mocked by so many that a lot of people won't even take a look to make up their own mind. When I first heard about Q i will admit I dismissed the movement. Eventually I saw a Kappy video, still dismissing Q, then his "suicide" made me do a deep dive.