I was looking at Google maps and they have underground parking below the building. I wish there was a way to know if the garage extended over to the part of the building that came down. It would be easy to pull a van or two down there and noone would know the contents of the van.
If it was a sinkhole and it was sinking for all those years wouldnt there be cracks or movement of the foundation that you could clearly see? There are almost always signs beforehand but they also sometimes ignore them.
They also have a blurred section on the front of the building towards the highway. If you move 1 step to the left or right it goes back to unblurred but it looks like they're maybe hiding something unless it was under construction at time of picture.
This building looks like the twin tower debris lol. They probably shot this building with whatever directed energy weapon they used on 9/11. Nice threat to trump and family being local.
I have an aortic aneurysm. It grows bit by bit. Until one day it bursts and I bleed out internally and die within seconds. Doesn't sound ominous to me!
According to Surfside Town Commissioner Eliana Salzhauer, “This was not an act of God. This was not a natural disaster. Buildings don't just fall.” (she knows)
This, after Shimon Wdowinski implying that sinking was to blame. You are quite right, the numbers don't seem significant (and if they were, don't we think he might have mentioned that little nugget of information before the building went down?)
That leads to what’s known as progressive collapse, when one part fails, then another and another until the entire structure fails. That is what happened to the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks, he said.
They even draw parallels in the article with 9/11 on their own.
Mr Wdowinski might, just might (I'm off to check shortly), have had his project funding renewed recently to spin us a little tale...
I was looking at Google maps and they have underground parking below the building. I wish there was a way to know if the garage extended over to the part of the building that came down. It would be easy to pull a van or two down there and noone would know the contents of the van.
If it was a sinkhole and it was sinking for all those years wouldnt there be cracks or movement of the foundation that you could clearly see? There are almost always signs beforehand but they also sometimes ignore them.
They also have a blurred section on the front of the building towards the highway. If you move 1 step to the left or right it goes back to unblurred but it looks like they're maybe hiding something unless it was under construction at time of picture.
This building looks like the twin tower debris lol. They probably shot this building with whatever directed energy weapon they used on 9/11. Nice threat to trump and family being local.
Buildings just don't collapse once the concrete is cured.
Leaning Tower of Pisa says 'bs!'
Yeah, cause sink holes cause total structure failure from by what looks to be pulverized concrete and reinforcing steel, NOT!
I have an aortic aneurysm. It grows bit by bit. Until one day it bursts and I bleed out internally and die within seconds. Doesn't sound ominous to me!
This, after Shimon Wdowinski implying that sinking was to blame. You are quite right, the numbers don't seem significant (and if they were, don't we think he might have mentioned that little nugget of information before the building went down?)
They even draw parallels in the article with 9/11 on their own.
Mr Wdowinski might, just might (I'm off to check shortly), have had his project funding renewed recently to spin us a little tale...
Something about building your house upon the sand?