One of my great-grandfathers was English, another one Irish. I liked studying history in high School, where I did papers on topics like the Battle of Agincourt, and other stuff. Always a fan of the Arthurian stuff in film, as a young lad. You know, knights. And when I encountered Shakespeare in high school, I revelled in it.
A childhood friend thought he was the re-incarnation of Harold, who bought it at the Battle of Hastings. That aided in the historical interest/research.
But its really in recent years, as I came to understand how intensely cultural Marxism, kicked off by the Frankfurt School, has deliberately and aggressively targeted all things inherited via Western Christianity (concepts like liberty, individual rights, rule of law, fairness and hard work, etc), that this kicked in:
We NEED to understand our past, we NEED to understand, recognize and embrace our heritage; to unabashedly be critical of our failings, yet more importantly emphasize the inheritance, including our history.
In my mind, there is a very clear thread in the evolution of the West via Christian history. Christianity came West, not East, and yes, there were wars and conflicts in Europe, etc, but there were wars and conflicts EVERYWHERE.
People go on and on about the Spanish inquisition, BUT a) where was there NOT torture in the old world? and b) the West grew and learned lessons. Those medieval tortures were still being routinely used in ALL other parts of the world in the 1800's!!!
The vanguard of Evil is the Cultural Marxist movement, which not only seeks to destroy all the benefits and evolution of human life gained via Western Christianity (including England), but it also has laid the foundation for the massive brainwashing (through emotional and informational manipulation) that today has born fruit as the Insanity of the Covid19 "pandemic" that the Globalists are attempting to use to usher in their Satanic kingdom of Hell.
We have to learn history, and learn how the Creator has been advancing his plan for a Heavenly Kingdom on the Earth (preparation and development) via Western Christianity, and therefore understand the REAL value of things, and where we are today. Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
Hat tip to Rusty (Russell Crowe) and RIDLEY SCOTT (who also did "White Squall" - where we go one we go all) for this:
One of my great-grandfathers was English, another one Irish. I liked studying history in high School, where I did papers on topics like the Battle of Agincourt, and other stuff. Always a fan of the Arthurian stuff in film, as a young lad. You know, knights. And when I encountered Shakespeare in high school, I revelled in it.
A childhood friend thought he was the re-incarnation of Harold, who bought it at the Battle of Hastings. That aided in the historical interest/research.
But its really in recent years, as I came to understand how intensely cultural Marxism, kicked off by the Frankfurt School, has deliberately and aggressively targeted all things inherited via Western Christianity (concepts like liberty, individual rights, rule of law, fairness and hard work, etc), that this kicked in:
We NEED to understand our past, we NEED to understand, recognize and embrace our heritage; to unabashedly be critical of our failings, yet more importantly emphasize the inheritance, including our history.
In my mind, there is a very clear thread in the evolution of the West via Christian history. Christianity came West, not East, and yes, there were wars and conflicts in Europe, etc, but there were wars and conflicts EVERYWHERE.
People go on and on about the Spanish inquisition, BUT a) where was there NOT torture in the old world? and b) the West grew and learned lessons. Those medieval tortures were still being routinely used in ALL other parts of the world in the 1800's!!!
The vanguard of Evil is the Cultural Marxist movement, which not only seeks to destroy all the benefits and evolution of human life gained via Western Christianity (including England), but it also has laid the foundation for the massive brainwashing (through emotional and informational manipulation) that today has born fruit as the Insanity of the Covid19 "pandemic" that the Globalists are attempting to use to usher in their Satanic kingdom of Hell.
The Upshot?
We have to learn history, and learn how the Creator has been advancing his plan for a Heavenly Kingdom on the Earth (preparation and development) via Western Christianity, and therefore understand the REAL value of things, and where we are today. Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
Hat tip to Rusty (Russell Crowe) and RIDLEY SCOTT (who also did "White Squall" - where we go one we go all) for this:
Robin Hood 2010 - the Magna Carta