He should call George Floyd as his first witness
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If Hello George turns out to be a living George Floyd then this movie fucking redeemed itself like I cannot imagine.
I’d be very disappointed if I find out that scumbag is not dead. There is no reason to have fake-killed that serial felon unless you want to gratuitously and idiotically assume a large portion of the responsibility for the Leftist street violence of the past year.
all a FF. Push as hard as you want on the side of your neck. It does not restrict breathing. This is why it is an approved police procedure. I'm trying to find a really well done video I saw that had lots of discrepencies.
all fake
George Floyd died from a massive overdose.
That’s not a secret, and it’s not a lie.
You can believe clear facts about his death, or you can believe the MSM lies that he was “murdered” by racist cops… or I guess or you can believe whatever lunatic scheme you think was accomplished by some conspiracy or other fake-killing a complicit non-dead George Floyd. ?
"I don't judge a man by the color of his skin; I judge him according to the size of his nostrils."
The court just denied him a retrial.