We should all be keeping an eye on him, regardless.
And if Lin Wood says it, Im leaning towards his opinion. His track record of calling out the DS against the mainstream narrative was solid with Mike Pence. It takes balls to stand up against the sleeping mob in America - especially in your own party.
Best governor in the union right now!
possible snake in my book.
We should all be keeping an eye on him, regardless.
And if Lin Wood says it, Im leaning towards his opinion. His track record of calling out the DS against the mainstream narrative was solid with Mike Pence. It takes balls to stand up against the sleeping mob in America - especially in your own party.
Correct 100 percent !
Fake News. The Bill Died 4/30/2021 House • Died in Pandemics & Public Emergencies Committee https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/6003/?Tab=BillHistory