its true women almost bloody killed us all. After the great awakening we have to put them back in the kitchen make sure they cant vote and got no power at all so this will never happen again.
We should basically just copy the Muslims way of life
And I'm not kidding. Women are to easy manipulated and when it comes to the higher thought process and critical thinking they are no where near men. And enemies of humanity recognized it and did everything they could to promote women. Only way they could destroy the west
This idea doesn't come from me resenting women, or being a misogynist. This comes from and economic stand point, the standard of living, and the overall general happiness of the population. I lowkey support it, but good fucking luck getting enough women on board to get it to happen.
I can see this is a subject people are a bit divided over. Dont get me wrong Men also carry huge faults for this mess. The biggest morons are indeed men just look at Antifa and BLM, do I need to say more?
However when that is said a famous philosopher once: "The road to hell is payed with good intentions"
And this is the core problem with women they use emotions to make important decision and emotions are so easy to manipulate and the commies and the Cabal used that against us.
So I stand by what I wrote: "Women almost killed us all" and this got nothing to do with sexism this is a fact.
its true women almost bloody killed us all. After the great awakening we have to put them back in the kitchen make sure they cant vote and got no power at all so this will never happen again.
We should basically just copy the Muslims way of life
And I'm not kidding. Women are to easy manipulated and when it comes to the higher thought process and critical thinking they are no where near men. And enemies of humanity recognized it and did everything they could to promote women. Only way they could destroy the west
How about teaching them to use their brains and stop excusing them for being emotional?
Good luck
This idea doesn't come from me resenting women, or being a misogynist. This comes from and economic stand point, the standard of living, and the overall general happiness of the population. I lowkey support it, but good fucking luck getting enough women on board to get it to happen.
I can see this is a subject people are a bit divided over. Dont get me wrong Men also carry huge faults for this mess. The biggest morons are indeed men just look at Antifa and BLM, do I need to say more?
However when that is said a famous philosopher once: "The road to hell is payed with good intentions"
And this is the core problem with women they use emotions to make important decision and emotions are so easy to manipulate and the commies and the Cabal used that against us.
So I stand by what I wrote: "Women almost killed us all" and this got nothing to do with sexism this is a fact.