Three levels of money-hungry amoral capitalists. Plenty of vultures who want to have an office suite and a collection of sports cars, BY EXPLOITING US ALL.
Regulatory capture allows them to easily create loopholes to go past what benefits society to instead to focus on what PROFITS them.
Lately I've been trying to redpill over "Rockefeller medicine." Last I checked, even Google hasn't censored that search and plenty of useful information can be found from it.
You don't need the cabal for this.
Pharma industrial complex.
Health industrial complex.
Insurance industrial complex.
Three levels of money-hungry amoral capitalists. Plenty of vultures who want to have an office suite and a collection of sports cars, BY EXPLOITING US ALL.
Regulatory capture allows them to easily create loopholes to go past what benefits society to instead to focus on what PROFITS them.
Lately I've been trying to redpill over "Rockefeller medicine." Last I checked, even Google hasn't censored that search and plenty of useful information can be found from it.