Im in L.A
Mask mandate ended June 15. Pretty sure the red States won't. I'm still virtually the only one without a mask in the supermarket
Now, I take that back - most of the checkers don't wear masks. Ecen some of the worst mask nazis that would call me out for walking around without a mask before June15. But most of the drones still walk around with masks. And I think they actually got the vaxaclot.
Give it a little time. When our mask mandate was lifted it was like that here in TX. Heck, even at Whole Foods where I was the only one without one for the longest time, I'd say only 30% are wearing masks now.
I think you're right. As the sheep take off the masks the other sheep will follow. They're just so packed together with their noses up each others asses it's hard for them to see the other sheep's faces.
Im in L.A Mask mandate ended June 15. Pretty sure the red States won't. I'm still virtually the only one without a mask in the supermarket Now, I take that back - most of the checkers don't wear masks. Ecen some of the worst mask nazis that would call me out for walking around without a mask before June15. But most of the drones still walk around with masks. And I think they actually got the vaxaclot.
Give it a little time. When our mask mandate was lifted it was like that here in TX. Heck, even at Whole Foods where I was the only one without one for the longest time, I'd say only 30% are wearing masks now.
I think you're right. As the sheep take off the masks the other sheep will follow. They're just so packed together with their noses up each others asses it's hard for them to see the other sheep's faces.