Essential workers can only work. Essential stores can only be open.
Things were looted over summer that weren't essentials. People in certain places aren't being tried for stealing non-essential products.
Tourism, Hospitality, Hair dressers, Beauticians, small businesses like clothing stores etc, all being driven out of business by insane COVID laws.
Now this.
It's as if they've been trying to take away everything but essentials from people the world over since the start of the pandemic. Getting that "essentials" stuff drummed into heads.
Something else to add to it : Drive people OUT of work and out of business, those who have jobs either have to take the vaccine or not work anymore, control welfare payments they must accept to survive, control how that's spent (only essentials), no ability to make your circumstances better = perpetual lockdown for anyone who isn't willing to capitulate to vaccines etc.
Doesn't this seem odd to anyone :
Essential workers can only work. Essential stores can only be open. Things were looted over summer that weren't essentials. People in certain places aren't being tried for stealing non-essential products. Tourism, Hospitality, Hair dressers, Beauticians, small businesses like clothing stores etc, all being driven out of business by insane COVID laws.
Now this.
It's as if they've been trying to take away everything but essentials from people the world over since the start of the pandemic. Getting that "essentials" stuff drummed into heads.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"
It's starting to feel very obvious.
Well said!!
Something else to add to it : Drive people OUT of work and out of business, those who have jobs either have to take the vaccine or not work anymore, control welfare payments they must accept to survive, control how that's spent (only essentials), no ability to make your circumstances better = perpetual lockdown for anyone who isn't willing to capitulate to vaccines etc.
Also limit the freedom of movement from inside a country or to next door nations.
It is an all out attack on freedom.