Sorry but the level of panic seen from DS is because Q is in control of NSA. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TRUMP HAS MANAGED TO STAY 5 STEPS AHEAD AND SURVIVE 2 IMPEACHMENTS.
It's why Trump and the MIL have got them all on the run and the DUMBS being destroyed. They have it all because they have the NSA.
Sorry but the level of panic seen from DS is because Q is in control of NSA. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TRUMP HAS MANAGED TO STAY 5 STEPS AHEAD AND SURVIVE 2 IMPEACHMENTS.
It's why Trump and the MIL have got them all on the run and the DUMBS being destroyed. They have it all because they have the NSA.
Do u really believe in the "DUMBS"?
I mean; just look at what it spells..... ya know? ???
Honest question, not trolling you... you really think "DUMBS" are real?
They exist. There are photos. Phil Schneider was killed over exposing them and other things in the 90s. Dulce Base. Boring machines.
Why is DUMBS of all things the thing about Q you find hard to believe?
Honestly, just because of the name. I feel like it's just too blatant / obvious to call them "DUMBS", know what I mean?