Sidney Powell and Don Jr are posting Covid vaccine warnings so don’t tell me President Trump wants people to get the “Jab” ? His family and supporters are publicly saying the vaccine is dangerous ☠️
Operation Warp Speed is a military operation to clean up the Deep State. If Trump loyalists are now publicly decrying the vaccine perhaps it means that military operation is nearing completion.
I personally think President Trump did the best he could with a tough situation. Covid is a bio weapon and the vaccine allowed ppl to go back to work and a semblance of normalcy. I heard that the DS wanted to withhold a vaccine for years, keep businesses shut, break the worlds economy, make everyone dependent on government handouts and then force the entire world to take the dangerous vaccines, withholding basic rights to anyone who didn’t comply. Allowing Americans who wanted to take the vaccine early on gave us the ability to see how dangerous it is- and allowed others to refuse if they want. We all have free will. But it’s sad. Praying for those who have had the jab.
He didn't do the best he could.
He is a smart man. Watch him carefully phrase his statements when asked about running in 2024. There are many ways he could have given the media what they wanted to hear while still leaving room for a different interpretation for those who were awake.
He didn't. He said unequivocally the vaccines were safe and he encouraged them. So either he was duped, or he genuinely is in favor of them. Either way at least he accepts that it must be our choice. That alone makes him more honorable than the others, who simply try and manipulate us into taking them.
But always remember Trump is not God. He is just a man. We support him because he mostly aligns with our values. We can thank him, respect him and reward him for helping us to remove the deep state. But if he stops aligning with our values, we have a responsibility to discard him.
He has a lot to answer for with these vaccines. He doesn't get a free pass. Not by a longshot. When the Nuremberg 2.0 trials start, Trump will likely be on trial as well for his role. I will be listening very carefully to his defense. I hope it is a good one.