Sidney Powell and Don Jr are posting Covid vaccine warnings so don’t tell me President Trump wants people to get the “Jab” ? His family and supporters are publicly saying the vaccine is dangerous ☠️
Operation Warp Speed is a military operation to clean up the Deep State. If Trump loyalists are now publicly decrying the vaccine perhaps it means that military operation is nearing completion.
I personally think President Trump did the best he could with a tough situation. Covid is a bio weapon and the vaccine allowed ppl to go back to work and a semblance of normalcy. I heard that the DS wanted to withhold a vaccine for years, keep businesses shut, break the worlds economy, make everyone dependent on government handouts and then force the entire world to take the dangerous vaccines, withholding basic rights to anyone who didn’t comply. Allowing Americans who wanted to take the vaccine early on gave us the ability to see how dangerous it is- and allowed others to refuse if they want. We all have free will. But it’s sad. Praying for those who have had the jab.
I agree, with alternate treatments there would never had been an EUA in the US, and by the time the "real" vax was ready, no one would need it.
However, who knows if that strategy would work against another bioweapon? Maybe the thing to do was to expose them and take them now, before they get a chance to draw a new hand.
That is entirely possible, however it begs the question: "Who needs a new bioweapon when you have an experimental mRNA cocktail, and at every turn you have a Mainspew Media/Rigged Tech propaganda campaign telling you to inject yourself and and you family with it?"