Legally, in many states, teenagers can consent to getting vaccinated. The laws vary from state to state, but legally speaking, you are incorrect as to their ability to consent to things like being vaccinated.
What the hell are you going on about? Did you reply to the wrong person by mistake?
Or are you just pissed that I pointed out that in some states teenagers CAN legally get themselves vaccinated without their parents permission, when you posted that they couldn't give consent?
I'm not fighting against you. I don't think children should be getting vaccinated at all, much less doing so without the permission of their parents.
My intention of posting was to point out that many parents mistakenly think that their children can not legally get vaccinated without their consent, so they don't do their due diligence.
I'm trying to make them aware of the reality of the situation and you're going apeshit, and going around commenting on posts I made weeks ago about entirely different topics.
No, it's not an argument. It's simply a fact. The reason why I pointed it out is because many parents think that teenagers can not legally get themselves vaccinated and are blissfully ignorant of the fact that they can.
When they see posts like yours, saying that kids can't consent, it simply reaffirms their beliefs it's not legal. I'm sure that you're not intentionally contributing to the misinformation surrounding the issue.
I'm not debating on whether or not it's ethical or moral for teenagers to be able to get vaccinated against their parents wishes or without their knowledge.
If people have strong feelings on those things, it's important for them to be aware of the facts on the matter. And the facts are that teenagers CAN get themselves vaccinated without their parents knowledge or consent (depending on the state).
The subject was important enough for you to post about it. It's important to me that parents of teenagers are aware that their kids CAN legally do this (again, with the disclaimer of it being dependent on the state) so they can deal with it however they feel appropriate, and not be lulled into a false sense of security thinking it's illegal, and thus unlikely to happen.
I really don't get this whole "shoot the messenger" type of mentality. Pointing out facts of the matter doesn't mean that I agree with it.
You are majorly overreacting to someone pointing out that you were technically wrong about something. You might want to take a deep breath or go take a walk before you have an aneurysm or something.
Legally, in many states, teenagers can consent to getting vaccinated. The laws vary from state to state, but legally speaking, you are incorrect as to their ability to consent to things like being vaccinated.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. And I don't want to leap to the wrong conclusions. Could you clarify what you mean, please?
Gotcha. I wasn't sure what you meant with nondisclosure clauses.
Yeah, you're right. Many of the laws concerning minors rights in those matters stem from planned parenthood abortions.
If more parents were aware of what their underage children could consent to, I think many of those laws could get overturned.
What the hell are you going on about? Did you reply to the wrong person by mistake?
Or are you just pissed that I pointed out that in some states teenagers CAN legally get themselves vaccinated without their parents permission, when you posted that they couldn't give consent?
I'm not fighting against you. I don't think children should be getting vaccinated at all, much less doing so without the permission of their parents.
My intention of posting was to point out that many parents mistakenly think that their children can not legally get vaccinated without their consent, so they don't do their due diligence.
I'm trying to make them aware of the reality of the situation and you're going apeshit, and going around commenting on posts I made weeks ago about entirely different topics.
You have some serious issues, pal.
No, it's not an argument. It's simply a fact. The reason why I pointed it out is because many parents think that teenagers can not legally get themselves vaccinated and are blissfully ignorant of the fact that they can.
When they see posts like yours, saying that kids can't consent, it simply reaffirms their beliefs it's not legal. I'm sure that you're not intentionally contributing to the misinformation surrounding the issue.
I'm not debating on whether or not it's ethical or moral for teenagers to be able to get vaccinated against their parents wishes or without their knowledge.
If people have strong feelings on those things, it's important for them to be aware of the facts on the matter. And the facts are that teenagers CAN get themselves vaccinated without their parents knowledge or consent (depending on the state).
The subject was important enough for you to post about it. It's important to me that parents of teenagers are aware that their kids CAN legally do this (again, with the disclaimer of it being dependent on the state) so they can deal with it however they feel appropriate, and not be lulled into a false sense of security thinking it's illegal, and thus unlikely to happen.
I really don't get this whole "shoot the messenger" type of mentality. Pointing out facts of the matter doesn't mean that I agree with it.
You are majorly overreacting to someone pointing out that you were technically wrong about something. You might want to take a deep breath or go take a walk before you have an aneurysm or something.