Giuliani’s Law License Suspension Is Unconstitutional, Dershowitz Says...
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the Epstein claims I wonder stands to reason that some of the girls making claims are also active participants in making false claims. this is a black mail operation and if you dont have some one doing controlled releases of info why would those being blackmailed fear there black mail.....not saying he is not a pedo just that everything needs to be examined, most likely he is guilty.
Look Dersh was Epsteins Lawyer. This is common knowledge. Yeah a client can do stuff his lawyer doesn't know about but that was ALL THAT EPSTEIN DID, 24/7. Even when he was in prison the 1st time he was somehow able to arrange female minors to see him for something. I mean while serving a sentence! Dersh would have to be pretty stupid not to have a clue
Then again, that's a lawyers job. idk what do say about it. Q seems to say that Dersh is on our side & it does seem to be the case. That's a good thing, we need people knowledgeable of the swamp