The technology is a double edged sword, but I rolled those dice years back. I didn't do it for ancestry curiosity, I did it to determine my SNP variants/mutations and disease susceptibilities in order to form intelligent decisions on preserving wellness.
As an example, finding out I have the variant for poorly functioning Vitamin D receptor means I need MORE sun to get to a healthy level, and also not be a coffee freak since caffeine already inhibits the functioning of the Vit D receptor
The technology is a double edged sword, but I rolled those dice years back. I didn't do it for ancestry curiosity, I did it to determine my SNP variants/mutations and disease susceptibilities in order to form intelligent decisions on preserving wellness.
As an example, finding out I have the variant for poorly functioning Vitamin D receptor means I need MORE sun to get to a healthy level, and also not be a coffee freak since caffeine already inhibits the functioning of the Vit D receptor