Children trying to enjoy a day at a pool don't need to see a womans breasts, and I as a full grown man don't wanna see some confused teenage woman's breasts either.
Your name is "TheAwakened" yet you're telling me that female breasts being a primary sexual characteristic is a social construct... on the Great forum? I feel like I'm back on reddit.
A primary sex characteristic is something that develops after puberty and is apart of the reproductive system. My chest didn't change at all during puberty, and I cannot feed a child with it. A woman's breasts do develop after puberty and in a natural setting they would need them to grow a child, meaning they are reproductive organs.
It is not different laws, men cant show their primary sexual characteristics/ reproductive organs and neither can women, male chests and female breasts are objectively different from each other.
Children trying to enjoy a day at a pool don't need to see a womans breasts, and I as a full grown man don't wanna see some confused teenage woman's breasts either.
I dont have breasts. Women's breasts are a primary sex characteristic, they come in after puberty.
Your name is "TheAwakened" yet you're telling me that female breasts being a primary sexual characteristic is a social construct... on the Great forum? I feel like I'm back on reddit.
A primary sex characteristic is something that develops after puberty and is apart of the reproductive system. My chest didn't change at all during puberty, and I cannot feed a child with it. A woman's breasts do develop after puberty and in a natural setting they would need them to grow a child, meaning they are reproductive organs.
It is not different laws, men cant show their primary sexual characteristics/ reproductive organs and neither can women, male chests and female breasts are objectively different from each other.