Your not crazy. We’ve hundreds of pounds of flour, sugar, salt, beans, rice and oodles of yeast, canning jars, vinegar, hydroponic nutrients, seeds etc etc. Now, if you don’t have a way to cook without electricity or recipe books on how to make breads, hand written formulas on paper for your hydroponics etc then you haven’t considered that the internet and your ovens may not be available...?. Going Dutch over a tripod here lol.
Everyone thinks I’m fucking crazy that I have 500lbs if sugar in my walk in pantry.
Your not crazy. We’ve hundreds of pounds of flour, sugar, salt, beans, rice and oodles of yeast, canning jars, vinegar, hydroponic nutrients, seeds etc etc. Now, if you don’t have a way to cook without electricity or recipe books on how to make breads, hand written formulas on paper for your hydroponics etc then you haven’t considered that the internet and your ovens may not be available...?. Going Dutch over a tripod here lol.
Google has provided your info to the appropriate Federal authorities so that your supplies can be fairly distributed when the time arises :)
I can’t wait.