? 82% of pregnant women who took mRNA vaccine had miscarriage ?
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Mods please sticky, I could not believe that the % was that high, but reading the article and the details it is the truth. YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT 82% MISCARRIAGES.
Summary of how they get 82%: 827 total women who are pregnant are in the study. 700 of them had the vaccine in the 3rd trimester. 127 of them had the vaccine within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester). Of the 127 woman who were pregnant and had the vaccine in the first trimester, 104 of the 127 pregnancies were lost.
Here is the gofile link of the table: https://gofile.io/d/KxDWCr
Or, like a functional fucking adult, you can link to the actual study (https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2104983?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed) which is publicly available and free to read, and realize the author is fake and gay and that the unnamed oncologist is a figment of her imagination.
No, it are not 827 total women who are pregnant in the study. It are 3958 women, who are pregnant in the study. 827 is the number of women who had ended their pregnancy in the sample time window of the study (Vaccinated between february 28 and march 30), natural or otherwise.
so it is actually 104 of 1224 pregnancies. Research is hard.
The data they gathered on spontaneous abortions was from the women (827) who's pregnancies ended within the study window. Since that is the case, then it is correct in saying 104/827 had spontaneous abortions.
The misrepresented data is that 96 of these 104 spontaneous abortions occurred in the 1st trimester which is much greater than the usual percentage of spontaneous abortions occurring in the 1st trimester vs the 2nd and 3rd. The 1st trimester is critical as this is where organogenesis occurs, and drugs (both pharm and rec) have the most effect on the fetal development. Source: yuuge med fag.
Not really tho? out of the 30% of pregnancies that miscarry, 19% fail after the 5th week, 9% after the 7th week, 2.5% after the 10th week and only 1.3% after the 13th week. So assuming those in the periconception stage just flew under the radar, a 96/8 ratio is kinda what you'd expect. Rounded to the accepted average of 19/1.3 we are looking at a 8.3% ratio versus a 5.8% ratio. This might actually be caused by the shock of the vaccine (it would've been helpful had they included more cross statistics about whether the miscarriages also had full-body adverse events), but it might simply be due to a relatively small population (it is after al not much outside of the expected variance you would expect with such a small sample), or a skewed window of observation that probably missed an few cases.
so you think 17% miscarriages in the 3rd trimester is normal? I haven't done much digging, but a simple google search says it is not.