colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is antiparasitic though and that remains it's main usage

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, yes, because as has been established it's a widely available, safe and effective antiparasitic.

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is actually the "90% effective". from what I can tell, those who are vaccinated but get the virus in their bloodstream, still get viral buildup in the nose but no lung irritation or fever. So they get a minor case of the sniffles in the form of a leaky nose that is still fully infectious but no actual sickness.

Because, you know, by all accounts this seems to be a non-neutralizing vaccine

colers 63 points ago +68 / -5

I would like to add here once again, for the statistically illiterate;

the unvaxxed are vastly oversampled in positive testing by simple virtue of there being minimal cause for a vaxxed person to get a test, and by the fact that asymptomatic cases are far, far more common with vaxxed individuals.

Please, lads, get that 8 hour course in statistics. It genuinely is a fucking necessity for "doing the research"

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't actually a joke;

The top brass of the taliban learned to speak their language. They know how to frame things in a way these assclowns can't object to because all it are are hollow platitudes that do not actually need any support; they can say "we will form an inclusive government" and then exclude women because the people they are talking about have no meaningful definition of what "inclusive" even means; just making the claim makes you respectable, its the point of a platitude.

colers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its a weird thing most people born in the last 30 years seem to thing, they speak and act as if we live in a post-science world where we have definitively moved past all paradigm shifts and we now have a complete vision of reality that can be refined but not changed or expanded

colers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. Most people say "I've done the research" while they lack even the most basic background in scientific reading and statistics requires to validate and interpret a study. Studying a single paper easily takes 2 hours out of your day and that if its a short one.

colers 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, science has a self-affirming bias, for it builds on itself in perpetuity until it reaches a roadblock, after which we see either a paradigm shift or stagnation. it is biased to any scientific propositions within liberalism and it is biased to scientific propositions within conservatism.

Science is also innately amoral and unethical, as it does not concern itself with abstract and vague matters (Hence why the entire field of sociology is a joke), which is why using science to resolve a moral or ethical quandary is innately fucked

colers 2 points ago +2 / -0

"vaccines are safe and efficient"

Which is why most people assure they don't have the jab the day before anything important, and why it's protection is dropping of about 4 months prior to the most optimistic projections

colers 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then you have the smoothbrain saying he got death threats for vaccinated administration.... How the fuck would they know? Unless you are virtue signaling about it online, the only people who know are the peeps getting a vaccine to begin with

colers 4 points ago +4 / -0
  1. Most of these fuckers are larpers. Like most of reddit which is inexplicably filled with experts who have nothing better to do but camp out on reddit all day answering questions and be pedantic.

  2. Ignoring the retarded proze with weird mixing of tense, this smoothbrain is implying that Sarah's direct relatives somehow are suffering a few dozen times the lethality rate of the general populaces, assuming most of her family is in a risk group. Fake and gay

colers 13 points ago +13 / -0

Russel Brand is one of the very, VERY few anti-establisment leftists who actually went yoooo wait a minute when the establishment coopted his language and goals, and recognizes that many of his peers have become the same useful idiots a lot of the hawkish right wingers were in the coldwar and 9/11.

He is, a dyed in the wool anti-establisment socialist. He is also, very perceptive and very fair minded, and is arguably one of the very few leftists that can generously and accurately describe trump's ascension. That is to say, he is one of the only consistent and principled progressives left on this earth.

colers 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this, people, is why the trails aren't enough. Every trial is limited by its scope, and what these trails sure as shit missed was the fact that juuuuussstttttt after the end of their scope, the vaccines seem to suffer a loss in efficiency about 6 months earlier than anticipated

colers 4 points ago +4 / -0

The reason is honestly painfully simple; A lot of people on the left seem to be obsessed with the idea of being "on the right side of history", while the right is concerned with being on the right side of your community.

It creates this interesting dynamic where a good portion of left wing people can only look at conservatives as some kind of historical enemy with whom you share a fucking feud. Conservatives look at it differently; if you are part of the community and aren't actively try to subvert or destroy it, it is necessary for you to defend them and try to get along with them. Being a subversive is the cardinal sin for a conservative. Being regressive is the cardinal sin for a progressive.

We do not care if history judges us harshly, for those in history do not live when we do. They look at us from an ivory tower of moral development, much like we look at the past century from an ivory tower of moral development. No doubt, many conservative AND leftists ideals will be considered to have been on the wrong side of history. But why give a shit. You don't know who is going to write this history, you don't know if you have reason to fucking like them. There is no need for some kind of absurd moral drive where you try to read the social trends throughout history and base your beliefs on wanting to be defensible to people 90 years down the line.

And ultimately, you might be in the contemporary equivalent civil rights movement, to be lauded for centuries to come, or you might be the contemporary french revolution; being lauded before taking a massive L and somehow resurrecting the monarchy through sheer malicious incompetence. Just do right to your community.

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I said; "mild" is the operative word here. What you have sounded like severe myocarditis.

Mild is special. It isn't nearly severe enough to warrant a surgery, and most medicine have only limited efficiency. It is just being permanently aware of your heartbeat and having the constant mental state that something is about to happen because your heart is perpetually in a state of duress. Your blood pressure is normal. Your heart rate is normal. But you'll spent every waking moment incapable of centering yourself because you feel like you are heading towards a heart attack. For the last 10 goddamned hours

colers 18 points ago +18 / -0

I love how they are talking about "mild myocarditis" as if it is something minor and not a physical condition that completely fucks your mental well being because your body feels like it is under the after effects of a fucking anxiety attack every second of the day.

by BQnita
colers -1 points ago +1 / -2

Incorrect, garden variety antivaxxers are uneducated and "research" shit with no bias control, no background in academic writing and a non-existent understanding of statistics, just like how the movement was started by a study that, aside from being made by a hack that tried to push his own vaccine onto the market by discrediting the existing one, proved absolutely fucking nothing as it had a sample size so ungodly small that the expected margin of error makes correlation impossible. Reading and understanding a scientific paper is an exhausting affair that even people who do it as a job skim many parts of it, it's not something you can do with no formal training on the subject or the necessary tools to interpret them.

Those who are skeptic to the covid vaccines however are, because the claims made seem to be impossible to verify by the limitations of linear time, and made assertions about the trails that do not fall within their scope.

colers 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's actually sensible tho? Allowing foreigners like myself to file vaers reports just makes it pointless as a statistical tool, because your population is now an uncertain number

colers 3 points ago +3 / -0

..mathematical operations are set in stone, smoothbrained morons. It is, always:

1). Resolving the brackets 2). Power and root calculations. 3). Multiplications and divisions 4). Additions and subtractions.

With every catagory being done from left to right

colers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Listen, dipshit; Peter R. de Vries doesn't need any conspiratorial bullshit, and you are SERIOUSLY, UNBELIEVABLY undermining this mans achievement by how you are framing his career.

De Vries wasn't known for primarily his JFK documentary; he was known for pissing off the entire Dutch criminal underworld by continually exposing them, clowning on federal investigators by doing their job better than them and digging up cases that the local corrupt police departments declared as cold cases. He did this for 17 god damned years and was one of the finest and baddest motherfuckers in his trade; a level of big dick journalism the rest of his peers only has wet dreams about. This bad motherfucker was the bane of all high-profile criminals in the Netherlands. THere are innocent people walking free due to his diligence, as well as criminals who thought they got away, but guess what, Peter the fucking Vries was there to shit on their hopes for a fun retirement. 8 fucking years he spent exonerating the wrongfully convicted of the Puttense murdercase. He was even known in the US due to him busting open the Natalee Holoway case. He is a bad motherfucker with no shortages of enemies.

Now here are the things which are NOT true about Peter R. The motherfucking Vries:

  1. He isn't fucking dead. Still fighting for his live; this fucker isn't going down without a fight.
  2. He wasn't currently investigating Bill and Melinda Gates, lay off the hallucinogenics, nor was he showing any interest in going to fucking Idaho; don't know if you know but it is kinda frowned upon for any public figure to travel at the moment. And he most certainly wasn't on a first name basis with the president of Haiti, of all people. He has mostly stopped doing massive investigations, still occasionally showing up on dutch television (due to being a rather outspoken individual) but mostly being busy with the few shows he is contracted to present and the sportmanagement agency he is running. I have read the absolute clown world link that someone here posted and literally every link it posts trying to hook De Vries into this cooky bullshit doesn't even mention his name or refers to him indirectly; the page is a fucking case study on gishgalloping in citation form, where it makes such excessive usage of pointless citation it expects the user to give up and just assume the citation actually fucking imply that because no way you are going to read all that shit.

Why was he shot? Well, he is still offering his services as an expert witness and advisor for several high-profile dutch lawsuits, so if you want to know who killed him, put half the dutch underworld on a pine board and throw a fucking dart

colers 1 point ago +1 / -0

IF YOU ARE IN THE VSAFE PREGNANCY REGISTRY, THAT MEANS YOU ARE PREGNANT, you dumb cunt. Here; https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vsafepregnancyregistry.html#:~:text=The%20v%2Dsafe%20COVID%2D19%20Vaccine%20Pregnancy%20Registry%20is%20for,participants%20receive%20via%20text%20message.

" The v-safe COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Registry is for v-safe participants who self-identify as pregnant at the time of vaccination or shortly thereafter (within 30 days of vaccination). The registry activities are in addition to the v-safe after vaccination health check-ins that participants receive via text message. Pregnant participants in the registry will be contacted to answer questions about their pregnancy and medical history. Participants will also be asked for permission to contact their healthcare provider(s)."

Keep in mind that "shortly thereafter" simply means you can retroactively report yourself as pregnant and vaccinated, not that you aren't pregnant when in the registry. Everyone in the V-safe registry is presupposed to be pregnant. As to how many retroactively registered; it is probably the number of perinatal pregnancy candidates (about 50), so a negligible slice of the sample.

All 3958 were pregnant, which is why they had statistical data on how far every single fucking one of them was in the pregnancy. all 3958 of them. Out of these 3958, 827 had their uterus vacated during March. Ergo, when the survey was taken, 3131 candidates are still pregnant, 700+ were gifted with a child, and about 96 went tits up. The remaining 30 non-third trimester birth are presumably very early births of candidates in the late second trimester.

Please just stop, you can't research your way out of ankle deep hole let alone something that requires a statistical analysis.

colers 1 point ago +3 / -2

Again, I made a post about this already, as this article shamelessly plagiarized a fraudulent article that originated the claim;

The people can't read scientific studies (shocker) and somehow were of the delusion that 827 is the sample size of the study.

It isn't. Its nearly 4000 as table 3 will inform you. Nearly 4000 pregnant women who got vaccinated during March, out of which 827 saw their pregnancy end. Needless to say, all occasions of first trimester endings were either miscarriages or presumably abortions. The actual number is 100% because failing your pregnancy is a precondition of being included in this graph if you are in the third trimester. If we however take the full sample like someone who can actually fucking read, it's 96 out of 1224, and then 31 out of 1700 or so for the second trimester who failed their pregnancy

Don't ever tell someone you "did the research". By all accounts you are a gullible idiot with zero meaningful source control, poor reading comprehension, no critical reasoning skills and a non-existent insight into statistical interpretation

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