Basically the artist is depicting GEOTUS as leading (see his torch?) the other two through the swamp with their collective conscience (the flame) which is ultimately God (see the North Star?)
The crying eyes beneath the North Star is Jesus Christ who’s tears fill the pool of the collective conscience beneath it.
Looking closely at the “vomit” you can see that it’s actually snakes. Because they are using their collective conscience i.e. God they are expelling the evil within themselves.
I laughed my ass off, but DMT is still demonic as fuck. I got possessed on it.
He’s not puking guys jfc.
Basically the artist is depicting GEOTUS as leading (see his torch?) the other two through the swamp with their collective conscience (the flame) which is ultimately God (see the North Star?)
The crying eyes beneath the North Star is Jesus Christ who’s tears fill the pool of the collective conscience beneath it.
Looking closely at the “vomit” you can see that it’s actually snakes. Because they are using their collective conscience i.e. God they are expelling the evil within themselves.
The vomiting is a well known part of the Ayahuasca experience. I see what you're seeing, but fwiw that's what that's depicting.
Somehow the Universe KNOWS!
Is he repudiating, puking vomitting out the swamp?
Possessed or unpossessed?