Society gave the fags a chance, gave an inch, they took a mile and tried taking the children. Its time to shame them back into the closet. If they refuse to go quietly i guess there is the Mathew Shepard method, in minecraft.
This type of article is common fair in the MSM these days. I wish our nation was as wise as Russia and would prohibit LGBTQ propaganda like this in their media. Russia is tolerant of them in respect to their rights to do what they want in their personal lives, but they strictly forbid propagandizing it as they know it is destructive to the health and culture of the nation, which of course includes the children. The focus of this article is children and the desire to expose them to this madness.
For some reason a Scripture comes to mind about millstones tied around people’s necks and them thrown into the sea for causing children to stumble.
Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every Pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets. … The fact that 1,855 years ago Christ drove the Jewish money-changers out of the temple, and that the money-changers of our age, enlisted on the side of tyranny, happen again to be Jews is perhaps no more than a historic coincidence.
Even better:
Moreover, almost all the Jew loan-mongers in Europe are connected by family ties. At Cologne, for instance, we find the principal branch-house of the Paris Foulds, one of whom married a Miss Oppenheim, whose brothers are the chief railway speculators of Rhenish Prussia, and next to Heistedt and Stein, the principle bankers of Cologne. Like the Rothschilds and the Greeks, the loan-mongering Jews derive much of their strength from these family relations, as these, in addition to their lucre affinities, give a compactness and unity to their operations which insure their success.
I will not stand to blame a man who had a bad idea, for what false teachers and the Synagogue of Satan have done with said bad ideas. I hate Marxists - Marx himself figured some shit out, and I gladly give him credit.
NWO/liberals want depopulation. So what are we going to do? Continue to help them? This also means stopping births. And we all know of people that are great patriots. They use birth control. It is time to rethink what we say and how we are truly acting.
Using birth control IS from the very people we rail on daily.
They are inching ever closer to saying exploitation of children for Adrenochrome and ritual sacrifice are normal, natural expressions of human sexuality. God save us!
This is an admission of psychosexual abuse. This woman and her man that wants to look like a woman need those kids removed and to be put in prison for this abuse.
All designed to destroy the family unit. Clean your own house and yard before you start nocking on your neighbors door. But by GOD do it. This notion that we can be as godless as we want in individual homes and not expect it to bleed out into our communities and infect our schools and children is insanity.
Society gave the fags a chance, gave an inch, they took a mile and tried taking the children. Its time to shame them back into the closet. If they refuse to go quietly i guess there is the Mathew Shepard method, in minecraft.
This type of article is common fair in the MSM these days. I wish our nation was as wise as Russia and would prohibit LGBTQ propaganda like this in their media. Russia is tolerant of them in respect to their rights to do what they want in their personal lives, but they strictly forbid propagandizing it as they know it is destructive to the health and culture of the nation, which of course includes the children. The focus of this article is children and the desire to expose them to this madness.
For some reason a Scripture comes to mind about millstones tied around people’s necks and them thrown into the sea for causing children to stumble.
Also Marx;
Even better:
I will not stand to blame a man who had a bad idea, for what false teachers and the Synagogue of Satan have done with said bad ideas. I hate Marxists - Marx himself figured some shit out, and I gladly give him credit.
So what are we going to do about it?
Us individually to counter this?
NWO/liberals want depopulation. So what are we going to do? Continue to help them? This also means stopping births. And we all know of people that are great patriots. They use birth control. It is time to rethink what we say and how we are truly acting.
Using birth control IS from the very people we rail on daily.
They are inching ever closer to saying exploitation of children for Adrenochrome and ritual sacrifice are normal, natural expressions of human sexuality. God save us!
This is an admission of psychosexual abuse. This woman and her man that wants to look like a woman need those kids removed and to be put in prison for this abuse.
At l ast we know who won't be "heading upstairs," if you know what I mean.
All designed to destroy the family unit. Clean your own house and yard before you start nocking on your neighbors door. But by GOD do it. This notion that we can be as godless as we want in individual homes and not expect it to bleed out into our communities and infect our schools and children is insanity.
/u/#ummwhat ????