42 () Cabal History Theory posted 3 years ago by TheQStrategy 3 years ago by TheQStrategy +42 / -0 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I am reminded of the little girl in the red coat in Schindler's List: attention and emotion grabbing device. Works well.
these people like to put this shit in our faces and watch us love it and laugh at us knowing its real but us thinking its make believe. They tell you all their plans if you are willing to listen... They have always done this.
I thought the woman in the red dress symbolized the goddess capable of opening the door to the other realms. Important to occult ceremony.
“It’s the question that drives us.”
Same thing with “The Hunger Games,” “ Elysium,” and other movies. It’s like they mock us and themselves while openly flaunting their plans.