Throw in Holodomor, fudged history and legacy counter narratives and you’re likely spot on... the sky’s the limit with these demons. I think the great awakening is ultimately a realisation that a psychopathic fraction of humanity has been steadily and historically over centuries accumulating ancestral power to periodically and eventually permanently inflict psychotic, devastating, genocidal cruelty to the vast majority of civilised humanity... for shits and giggles.
Bolsheviks > 25-35 million
CCP > 60-100+ million
Throw in Holodomor, fudged history and legacy counter narratives and you’re likely spot on... the sky’s the limit with these demons. I think the great awakening is ultimately a realisation that a psychopathic fraction of humanity has been steadily and historically over centuries accumulating ancestral power to periodically and eventually permanently inflict psychotic, devastating, genocidal cruelty to the vast majority of civilised humanity... for shits and giggles.
And thats why Roger Pedactor is dead. He found captain Winky.