Part # 3. (admittedly might be a stretch, but I like it, so...)
We are talking about Halloween in July.
"Crypto" announcement.
What is in a crypt? Skeletons. Like skeletons in a closet? Secrets getting out?
Like how the whole market has been a scam for a long time, Bankers milking the companies and investors like their own huge piggy bank? Massive manipulation being exposed by the crypto?
I think the banner and logo changes are a classic "anticipation" marketing technique. It is not aimed at the customer as much as us, the shareholders. Like a whisper campaign. It gets us talking, keeps us excited, and hopeful for the upcoming announcement. Similar to a whisper campaign.
It is definitely putting everyone paying attention (us and Hedgies) that a change is coming, a re-branding. When we put two and two together, i.e. the crypto and the logo and color changes, it sets your mind afire, good for us, and bad for the Shorts.
They do not want to make the announcement yet, but they want us to know one is definitely coming. That in itself leads you to believe it is going to be big.
I am well versed in crypto-currencies. The crypt was for the 13 day Halloween calendar GME put out yesterday. I was tying crypts and skeletons (Halloween) to the NFT crypto that GME is launching in (now) 12 days.
Part # 3. (admittedly might be a stretch, but I like it, so...)
We are talking about Halloween in July.
"Crypto" announcement.
What is in a crypt? Skeletons. Like skeletons in a closet? Secrets getting out? Like how the whole market has been a scam for a long time, Bankers milking the companies and investors like their own huge piggy bank? Massive manipulation being exposed by the crypto?
Pretty Scary for the elites.
oh, so smart! wow! OK, one more. What do you make of the logo/banner changes today?
I think the banner and logo changes are a classic "anticipation" marketing technique. It is not aimed at the customer as much as us, the shareholders. Like a whisper campaign. It gets us talking, keeps us excited, and hopeful for the upcoming announcement. Similar to a whisper campaign.
It is definitely putting everyone paying attention (us and Hedgies) that a change is coming, a re-branding. When we put two and two together, i.e. the crypto and the logo and color changes, it sets your mind afire, good for us, and bad for the Shorts.
They do not want to make the announcement yet, but they want us to know one is definitely coming. That in itself leads you to believe it is going to be big.
"classic anticipation".
well, I like your theory, and that technique is working!
Also, regarding the "brick by brick" tweet by Cohen:
The tweet is cryptic, yes? like many of his tweets - cryptic. Could be a "crypto" hint?
Also, what is a "brick" often called? A "block". A "blockchain" hint?
Works for me, lol!
so brilliant!
Not crypt, crypto is short for cryptocurrency or cryptography: Greek for that which is hidden.
We can skip the skeleton part and the rest of the decode still fits.
I am well versed in crypto-currencies. The crypt was for the 13 day Halloween calendar GME put out yesterday. I was tying crypts and skeletons (Halloween) to the NFT crypto that GME is launching in (now) 12 days.