Holy cow. My mind is blown. Everything from the title, to the director dying 5 days after submitting the final cut, to the location chosen to film the cult party. These links are a long read but a great explanation of the movie.
So many unbelievable things that I've come across in this group are confirmed by this movie. I saw someone mention it in a comment months ago and glad I finally came around to watching it. It was very strange in the beginning, but you have to remember you're not watching a regular movie, you're watching someone trying to show you what's going on without explicitly saying it. After reading the above articles I am just blown away.
That explains her playing one in the movie remake of the sitcom, Bewitched.
She also played in a movie called Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock. If you've ever seen The Golden Compass, she plays a woman who is after children and is trying to steal what is basically their soul, but they call the "soul" companion creature a demon. That movie is so metaphorical for what the luciferian cult is actually doing with kids.