This is why we need all eyes on the audit. X22 report reveals all the Misinformation of Arizona's audit @ 20:00 +
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Some logical thinking for Patriots.
How long has the audit been going on in AZ?
How long has the county been resisting the Senate for the passwords?
Why has the Senate not subpoenaed the information while the audit was in process?
The issue is plain and simple. The AZ Senate has already HAD the router and packet data. They have for quite some time. The same way Lindell has it and a certain Senator in MI recently called out the MI Senate Committee report denying fraud saying she was in possession of evidence of "systemic" and "widespread" election fraud.
How do you introduce evidence? You get the guilty parties to run interference and make you resort to other means of obtaining it.
As I said in some earlier posts, I have been told point blank they had ALL the fraud information as the election closed. Also, when I say ALL, I am not just referring to the questionable battleground states. I mean ALL as in all 50 states.
Watch the coming couple of months. This storm is going to appear as a White Squall before it it over.
No one - absolutely no one - involved in the election fraud at all levels is going to get away with it. They have no idea how badly they have dug themselves into a hole. They are going to fight, as we are in a war after all, but the turning point of the war was what they did for the November election which sealed their fate.
Oh that part ,yeah I agree, they had what they needed already and was just letting them dig a bigger hole.